Yerba Santa
Burned for protection + setting boundaries.
Helps relieve colds, asthma, & bronchitis.
Aids in releasing emotional pain stored in the heart chakra.
Protects, purifies, + uplifts energy of your space.
Smudging Steps:
- Light your sage bundle & let it burn for 30 seconds before blowing it out.
- Start at the back of your space & work your way to the front, making sure to hit every corner of every room.
Repeat the following:
“I ask that the spirit & smoke of Yerba Santa helps me honor my boundaries, fill this space with love & light, & release all that doesn't serve me.”
- Once at the front door hit the four corners of the door.
- Open the door to release the negativity & welcome in the positive!
*Don't forget to smudge yourself as well! ;)